A lack of Confidence & Low Self Esteem can have a detrimental effect on us as humans, stopping us in our tracks from living our lives to our full potential. Some of the signs that show us we can be struggling with confidence and low self esteem are:
- Feeling of being Inadequate
- Feeling Bad about ourselves
- Feeling Awkward
- Feeling Incompetent
- Feeling Unloved
- Being Hyper-Vigilant & Hyper-Alert to signs of Rejection
Some of the many causes of confidence & low self esteem that can effect us can come from an unhappy childhood, including a poor academic performance at school. Or as adults we can experience a stressful life event, like a relationship breakdown or financial troubles.
Through hypnosis we start to relax, not only our bodies but also our minds, tapping into our subconscious mind, where we can start to break old pathways of behaviour, stamping out our limiting beliefs and creating new positive ones, resulting in increasing our confidence & self esteem.